Large groups of people live, sleep, eat and work under the white plastic sea that covers endless fields in southern Europe. These are a faceless underclass, living in a parallel, make-shift society without electricity and with failing running water. They dream of a better life and work for a daily wage of 20€.

They make sure our supermarkets are full of beautiful, freshly picked berries that taste of summer and sunshine.

fix+foxy puts a face to the berry pickers and invites the audience to take a journey from the Spanish fields to the tables in northern Europe.

The performance is supported by Danish Arts Foundation, Bikuben Foundation, Nordic Culture Fund, William Demant Foundation and Beckett-Foundation.

English subtitles

Director and playwright Tue Biering
Co director Carlota Berzal
Set and costume designer Johan Kølkjær
Lighting designer Balder Nørskov
Sound designer Daniel Fogh
Props designer Josefine E. Larsen
Dramaturg Aljoscha Begrich, Tanja Diers
Camera Marie Munkner
Cast Fatima Ez Zohayryed Dryouch, Laila Baomar Khouibi, Mustapha Hertil Oufkir, Manuel Milla Marchal, Luna Bredde, Martha Hansted Lohmann-Dunn, Ester Lundby Almlund, Elna Marie Bach Larsen, Kajsa Østergaard, Augusta Rønsborg, Wilma Melkersen Kalvåg, Elin Marie Schoeneborn, Caius Popa, Tiberiu Bosancu.